I wanted to reshare this blog post today, in memory of Her Majesty The Queen who will be forever synonymous with Paddington Bear (to my children, at least)!
On Sunday, I attended the world premiere of Paddington which was an absolute joy from start to finish.
I’ve blogged all about it HERE but wanted to include a few pictures in this recipe post too.
Knowing my wonderful Auntie Loulla, award winning restaurateur of Kosmos Greek Taverna in Manchester and TV Chef, had a cracking marmalade recipe, I just had to share it with you all. It really is an orange marmalade fit for Paddington Bear!
Over to Auntie Lou:
There’s something very special about making your own home made marmalade, your kitchen will be filled with delightful aromas and they also make excellent Christmas presents.
You can use Nerantzi (Seville) oranges to make this marmalade.
Makes 1.5kg
- 1 kg (8 oranges)
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1.4 litres water
- 2 kg granulated or preserving sugar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 star aniseed
Wash the oranges thoroughly and dry them.
Halve the oranges, squeezing out the juice and spoon out any pithy membrane (flesh) and pips from the orange skin, over a bowl to collect the juices.
Reserve the shells and place the orange juice, flesh and pips in a food processor, blending until smooth.
Push through a sieve into a large heavy-based pan or preserved pan.
Slice the rind into fine shreds or use a food processor to shred (it is faster) then add the rid to the pan.
Pour in the lemon juice and water, bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer gently for 1.1/2 hours or until the peel is very soft and the mixture has reduced by half.
Add the sugar, cinnamon sick and star aniseed and stir continuously over a low heat, until the sugar has dissolved, then increase the heat and boil for approx 15 to 20 minutes without stirring.
Remove the scum from the surface with a perforated spoon, if scum is not removed, the marmalade will be cloudy.
Boil until the mixture registers 104°C on a sugar thermometer, or to test if it set, spoon a small amount of the marmalade onto a very cold saucer, leave for 30 seconds then push with your finger-if it wrinkles and leaves a trail then it is ready, if it hasn’t set to boil for a little longer.
Allow the marmalade to stand for 10 minutes before potting into warm clean, dry, sterilised jars.
Press waxed discs, waxed side down, on the surface of each jar whilst still hot, then seal, label and store in a cool, dry place.
Here we have placed in ramekins ready to enjoy at breakfast.
The marmalade will keep sealed up to 12 months.
All photos bar the one of my Aunt are by my husband, Peter Broadbent.
Do also join Loulla’s private Facebook Group which has thousands of members: Loulla’s Recipe Share.
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