Honest Mum and kids

Attending the Star-Studded Premiere of Disney’s Movie Incredibles 2

Honest Mum and family attend the premiere of Incredibles 2

If you loved 2004’s Incredibles 1 (WHO THE HECK DIDN’T because if that was you, we’re can’t be friends) then Incredibles 2 will UTTERLY BLOW YOU AWAY-whoosh there you go!

Oh, and yes, I know I’m shouting with all these caps but I’m amazed by this sequel because frankly, just when I thought Disney movies couldn’t get any better (any more exquisitely animated, moving and moral too), they DO with this film. Tenfold. Incredibles 2 has set the bar to its highest point and although I said this about Zootropolis and Moana, Incredibles 2 is the Mo Farah of movies (who incidentally attended the premiere with his family). It delights, dazzles, makes you laugh, cry and scream with anguish in your seats and it’s rare to witness such a collective experience where you’re on the edge of your seat from start to end.

What a spectacular movie. The premiere didn’t disappoint either.

With ice pops and games galore beforehand, my favourite moment was listening to legends Samuel L Jackson (Frozone) and Helen Hunter (Elastigirl) discuss their love for the movie (and patriotically for us, the England football team) before the film began.

Incredibles 2 premiere

PS4 Incredibles Incredibles 2 PS4Honest Mum's kids enjoy Incredibles 2 premiere

Both kids, Oliver, 8, Alexander, 5, said it was the best film they’d ever seen.

Incredibles 2 is so distinctly life-like, you’ll feel like you’re watching a live-action action blockbuster not a 2D animation feature-not that we don’t love animation but the storytelling and high octane sequences are so hyperreal, you literally forget the medium.

That’s when you know you’re fully invested in the magic of the movie, it’s that delicate balance between character and plot in the screenplay which works so effortlessly here thanks to Brad Bird’s filmmaking skill.

Disney always get this right: they make brilliant movies for parents as much as for kids.  This is a sequel that not only lives up to your expectations but supersedes them and the best bit? Mumboss (superhero mumboss that is) Helen/Elastigirl (Hannah Hunter) takes the lead (literally) driving the plot, leaving the kids with the capable if not tired (as we all are) Papa, Bob/ Mr Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) while she fights nemesis Screenslaver and embarks on a mission to save the world.

Incredibles 2

Spoiler alert, nothing is plain sailing and it’s the kids who ultimately save the day proving it REALLY does take a village!

What I love about Brad’s work is just how considered and well-rounded all of the characters are (including vitally, the villain).

That’s what truly differentiates a good film from a great film: the ability to empathise with everyone’s motivation, even those you’re meant to hate takes real skill and is a harder job than serving up a simplistic bad v good storyline!

We were lucky enough to not only attend the premiere but also an intimate drawing masterclass with the Oscar winning Brad Bird and his team where he taught my kids to draw the character of Jack Jack, which was also filmed by Disney. You can see the vlog below.

Brad Bird and Honest Mum and her family

Such magical times I know the kids will treasure forever. Xander also filmed something for Disney on the day giving his Granddad a shout-out as the most incredible person he knows. Aw!

The kids are actually chatting to their form classes today about their experience with Disney, sharing Brad’s wisdom with their peers.

Honest Mum's baby Honest Mum and son Alexander film

Thank you Disney.

Thank you too to Lauren Jobling for styling myself and the boys for the special day. The kids’ palm tree shirts and black denim shorts are River Island, my lemon print dress is a brand I’d never heard of before called Earth Angel from TK Maxx and was the perfect colour palette for the movie premiere. I felt pretty super in it, that’s for sure!

Head over to my pal Alex’s blog Mokuska to read her review of the film.

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