I truly love appearing on the telly as the buzz of it, particularly when it comes to live TV, is thrilling and also a little bit addictive. It’s probably why I love doing Facebook Lives so much (and the fact I get to connect with my followers instantly) and it’s living life on the edge as you simply point and shoot. I’ve started working with brands on lives and I have an exciting one with a global brand next week in fact…more of that soon I promise.
Appearing on telly also of course, always takes me back to my directing career, pre-blogging, even if it’s somewhat of a 360 now.
..The last time I was asked to appear on live TV saw me sat on a sofa next to Piers Morgan on ITV’s Good Morning Britain debating a proposed smoking ban in play areas and it’s also a show I did some presenting for the year before.
Broadcast journalism and presenting has been a dream since I was a tween (funny it’s happening in my 30s-sometimes dreams take time, people so have patience) and the BIG dream is to host my own talk show one day (just putting it out there into the universe)….
But I digress. Back to appearing on BBC1’s Sunday Morning Live on the sofa with presenter Sean Fletcher. I was contacted after a reader who happened to be sisters with Assistant Producer Anna Taylor recommended I appear, and the topic of whether we’re a nation obsessed with social media, was explored.
I, of course, championed the power of blogging and social media, shedding light on the democracy and sheer potential of this enriching platform which had personally contributed to helping me overcome a traumatic birth, find my voice and create a thriving business.
I accept of course that like everything in life, we must approach being online with moderation. Too much can overwhelm and drain (and I always bang on about LIVING life in order to WRITE about life) but for the most part, the innovations in technology, the sense of community social media platforms offer and the opportunities to work online (and in a flexible way) makes me want to sing its praises from the rooftops. In fact I do just that in my book #Mumboss out next year which will hopefully encourage and inspire parents to launch digital businesses, working in an empowering, flexible way around their families.
I worked 15 hour days as a director which was not definitely conducive to raising a young family. Becoming a blogger was a game-changer for me. It continues to be leveller in an uneven playing field. It’s a twos-up to the inequality of the workforce.
It gives me creative control and a means to get my art out into the world simultaneously helping myself in the process (as a form of therapy) as well as others.
Please do watch the show. It’s an interesting debate and it’s was great to spend time and discuss the pros and cons of social media with the hugely inspirational Amina Lone (Writer and Director of Social Action and Research Foundation SARF), Mark Ellis and his family of Digitox (who have given up tech on Sundays for the last three years, finding great benefits to it) and Donna Dawson (Agony aunt and psychologist).
You can watch the programme HERE (scroll to 8 minutes).
I want to end with the thoughts on this TV debate from someone I admire, the best selling author and digital entrepreneur Tim Kitchen of Exposure Ninja,
‘I struggle to listen to the ‘social media is a negative influence’ stuff, to be honest. Social is just a tool, there’s nothing inherently good or bad about it. You spoke about how you found support in it – if you want to find support, you will. If someone else wants to feel negative, they will find what they need to do so. What one person can view as inspiration and make positive lifestyle changes to move towards, another can feel intimidated and demoralised by. The image is the same image, and it’s the viewer’s perception that shapes their experience. Does that make the image (or the platform it lives on) good or bad? Hell no’.
What do you think? Do you agree with Tim and my views?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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Buy my bestselling book in paperback or audio
My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.
Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(UK 2nd Edition)
Available on Amazon or Audible
The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(US/Canada Edition)
Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon