Alexander in his Winnie the Pooh coat

A Day out at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

A Day out at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park:



Always on the hunt to visit new child-friendly places in Yorkshire, we discovered the Yorkshire Wildlife Park before Christmas for a walk-through adventure like no other. Look how happy my little people are..despite the cold! I can only imagine we will be living here come the summer!



There was so much to see and do, it reminded me of the wondrous game reserves my husband Peter and I have visited in South Africa. Being so close to the animals in their sprawling habitat is simply humbling.




Witnessing the kids sheer delight at being so close to the animals truly captivated and intrigued was incredible and we look forward to visiting again soon!


As an aside, we arrived in Doncaster from Leeds and realised we’d left Alexander’s coat in the porch.The kind folks at the office there lent us the cute Pooh fluffy lined woollen coat above so Alexander could enjoy the day! Thank you guys!

Alexander in his Winnie the Pooh coat

To find out more about the Yorkshire Wildlife Park click here


Mummy and Oliver

I seemed to blend in with my leopard print coat! Hehe!


And these are the little monkeys I got to take home (below of course): cute huh?!

Alexander happy

Oliver walking

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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