Stressed? Yep, me too. We all suffer from the S word, but it’s important to remember that not all stress is ‘bad stress’, we need fear/stress to protect us from danger, and to warn us when to step back and crank up the self-care dial.
I want to share what helps me when stress hits, especially after so many of you told me that my tips on beating anxiety have helped hugely.
Here goes:
1. Talk about it/ have a cry
A problem shared is a problem halved, right and storing up stress is not the answer. It’s the worst thing you can do in fact. Chat to those you trust-your partner, friends and family and cry it out if you need to. Professor Roger Baker, a consultant clinical psychologist told the Daily Mail that, “crying is the transformation of distress into something tangible, and that the process itself helps to reduce the feeling of trauma”. It’s good to release the tears, reach out to others and ask those you trust for advice. Accept what you cannot change but choose to problem-solve and find positivity in life.
2. Exercise (ideally in nature)
I bang on about this one all the time but becoming consistently active, lessens the strain/stress of the every day. Getting sweaty also works to distract, releasing the build-up and easing some of the pressure you might be under.
You don’t have to run a marathon to be healthy or release stress, either. I walk around 5 miles a day now that we’ve moved to Windsor, sometimes more, and I’ve felt noticeably calmer and in control, despite the stress of the move.
Try and seek the outdoors so you get a dose of fresh air and ‘forest therapy‘ which has proven to relax and rejuvenate.
Stop making excuses and start making exercise part of your self-care routine.
3. Push yourself out of your comfort zone
Whilst this will initially feel scary and more stressful at first, once you’ve pushed yourself to try new things/take on fresh challenges, the buzz, endorphin release and inevitable pride will give you a much-needed boost.
4. Help Other People
As Seth Godin so wisely said when I interviewed him,
I don’t think that building confidence is possible, because it comes from a place of fear, and a place of selfishness. When we enter with a posture of insufficiency, it’s not surprising that there’s a lack of confidence.
What happens if instead, we start with generosity. If we begin saying, “what can I do, no matter how small?” Each of us is capable of something. And of course, once you do a small thing, you realize that you can actually do a bigger thing. Repeat it until you’re making an impact.
Help others with your time, money (if you can) and energy.
P.S Seth’s brilliant newsletter/blog speaks to me in such a meaningful way, it’s as if Seth reads my mind each day and sends me exactly what I need to read. Sign up for free HERE.
5. Sleep.
Easier said than done with little ones right but sleeping, even if that means disco naps by day or forcing yourself to bed earlier, is an anti-stress tonic.
I also take a high strength multi vitamin (to help with stress/PMT ‘Premtesse’) and I love a chamomile tea in the bath (why not hey) before bed to relax me.
I really hope these tips help. If your stress is feeling unmanageable and overwhelming, then please do see your GP.
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