keto raspberry mousse

3 Ingredient Keto Raspberry Mousse

keto raspberry mousse

This keto raspberry mousse is delicious, refreshing and easy peasy to make.

I know you’ll love it.

So simple, even my kids know how to make it.

I actually prefer eating the mousse without any substitute sugar at all and just vanilla extract but if you like your desserts sweet (I know I’m in the minority here) I would recommend Erythritol, a natural sweetner extracted from corn and fruit. Fermented, it is only 70% as sweet as sugar and it doesn’t spike blood sugar. This recipe will work with other sugar substitutes too.

If you’re new to Keto you can find out more here in this article: what is a ketogenic diet?.

3 ingredient keto raspberry mousse

I like to use frozen raspberries in the mixture (which are nutrient-dense as picked in their prime and frozen to retain flavour and health properties) and decorate the dessert with fresh ones if I have them in.

Fresh raspeberries have to be eaten quickly so I find frozen fruit helps to save money and I prefer how cooling they make desserts. They’re perfect for ice cream and smoothies and I use them most weeks.

You can also use blueberries with this recipe if you prefer or include a mix of the two.

You can use either an electric whisk, or a manual whisk for a little workout.

low carb raspberry mousse


Makes 8

  • 2 cups heavy double cream
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • (Optional) Add sweetner of choice (1-2 tbsp depending on how sweet you like your desserts).

Method: Whisk all the ingredients together until smooth-ish. Decorate with whipped cream and a fresh raspberry. I think to pour into a jar (I use empty jam and pickle jars) and enjoy for breakfast. This also works well with full fat Greek yoghurt instead of whipping cream or you could add cream cheese for a cheesecake (1 cup cream plus 1 cup cream cheese) for a cheesecake type take on it.


keto mousse

So yummy!

Let me know if you make it, won’t you!

3 ingredient keto raspberry mousse

Check out my low carb chocolate mousse here.

3 Ingredient Keto Raspberry Mousse


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